Lagerstroemia Checklist: X, Y, Z

Cultivar Names of Lagerstroemia (crapemyrtle):

Names beginning with letters X, Y, and Z

YANG-TSE® (Desmartis & Cie., Bergerac, France. Cat. p. 19. 1973-74): Erect growth habit, vigorous; leaves bright, shiny, clear green, lightly folded toward center; panicles heavy, compact, pyramidal; flowers crimson red (Red Magenta) turning to Tyre Rose. Originated as hybrid developed by Jacques Desmartis, Bergerac, France. Named, trademarked in France, and introduced in 1973 by Desmartis & Cie. Name registered January 15, 1975. [NOTE: In accordance with the 1995 International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, names that are trademarked are not valid cultivar names. Therefore, the prior registration of the cultivar name ‘Yang-Tse’ is rescinded and the cultivar name ‘Desyan 184’ is registered and approved as of January 1, 1996. International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995, Principle 6, p. 4. 1995.]

= ‘Desyan 184’ YANG-TSE®.

‘Yuma’ (D. R. Egolf, HortSci. 22(4): 674-677. 1987): Deciduous, upright, multiple-stemmed, large shrub or small tree; exfoliating branches and trunk light grey (Greyed Orange 177B2); leaves elliptic to obovate, 4-7 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, dark green (Green 137A above and Yellow Green 146C beneath), in autumn yellow orange (Greyed Orange 168B) to russet (Greyed Red 179A) to light mahogany (Greyed Purple 183B); inflorescences 17-35 cm long and 13-22 cm wide with medium lavender (Violet 84B fading to Purple 76C) flowers, mass blooming from late July until late September; mildew resistant; hardy to zone 7b. Originated in 1972 from the cross (L. indica ‘Pink Lace’ × L. fauriei) × [L. ×amabilis × (L. indica “hardy light pink” × L. indica “red”)]. Selected in 1976; introduced in 1987 by the U.S. National Arboretum. NA 54975; PI 499821. Name registered May 1, 1992. Click here to view the USNA PDF fact sheet for Lagerstroemia ‘Yuma’.

‘Yvonne’ (D. R. Egolf and A. O. Andrick, The Lagerstroemia Handbook/Checklist, AABGA, p. 66. 1978): Spreading shrub, fast growing; flowers light pink. Originated as F2 open pollinated L. fauriei × L. indica selection in 1972 by Mrs. C. D. Tinsley, Houston, TX. Named and introduced in 1973 by Lynn Lowrey, Lowrey Nurs., Houston, TX. Name registered April 30, 1974.

‘Zuni’ (D.R. Egolf, HortSci. 21(5): 1250-1252. 1986): Deciduous, globose, semi-dwarf, multiple-stemmed shrub; exfoliating branches and trunk grey (Grey 201A2) prior to light brown grey (Grey Brown 199D), leaves elliptic to obovate, 4.5-5.5 cm long, 2.5-3.0 cm wide, glossy, dark green (Yellow Green 147A above and Yellow Green 146B beneath), in autumn orange-red (Orange Red 34A) to dark red (Red 46A); inflorescences ovate, 8-14 cm long and 8-13 cm wide with medium lavender (Red Purple 72B) flowers, mass blooming from mid July to late September; mildew resistant; hardy zone 7b. Originated in 1972 from the cross (L. indica ‘Dwarf Red’ × L. fauriei) × L. indica ‘Low Flame’. Selected in 1977; introduced in 1986 by the U.S. National Arboretum. NA 54982; PI 499827. Name registered May 1, 1992. Lagerstroemia ×egolfii selection.