Lagerstroemia Checklist: H
Cultivar Names of Lagerstroemia (crapemyrtle):
Names beginning with letter H
‘Hardy Apple Blossom Pink’ (Bradley Bros., Carbondale, IL. Cat. p. 27. 1944), listed without description.
= ‘Apple Blossom’, ‘Apple Blossom Pink’.
‘Hardy Dwarf Lavender-Blue’(Bradley Bros., Carbondale, IL. Cat. p. 27. 1944), listed without description).
= ‘Dwarf Purple’, ‘Dwarf Lavender’, ‘Dwarf Lavender-Blue’, ‘Frosty Blue’, ‘Lavendula Nana’, ‘Lilac Nana’, ‘Nana Lavendula’, ‘Nana Purpurea’.
‘Hardy Lavender’ (Byers Nurs., Huntsville, AL. 12: Fall 1988): Fine, bluish-lavender flowers usually until frost. Very good foliage texture and color. Makes a good tree crapemyrtle because of its vigor and habit of growth.
= ‘Byers Hardy Lavender’.
‘Hardy Lilac Purple’ (Bradley Bros., Carbondale, IL. Cat. p. 27. 1944), listed without description.
‘Hardy Pink’ (Cole Nurs., Painesville, OH. Cat. p. 2. 1942): Flowers soft pink, hardy to N. Massachusetts. Imperial Purple 33/21.
= ‘Cole’s Hardy Pink’, ‘Cole’s True Hardy’.
‘Hardy Purple’ (Inter-State Nurs., Hamburg, IA. Cat. p. 29. 1951): Flowers purple. Red Purple 72A2.
‘Hardy Red’ (Inter-State Nurs., Hamburg, IA. Cat. p. 29. 1951): Flowers glowing rich red. (Ackerman Nurs., Bridgman, MI. Cat. p. 17. 1952): Flowers watermelon red; dies to ground in North. Red Purple 63B2.
‘Hardy Snow White’ (Bradley Bros., Carbondale, IL. Cat. p. 27. 1944), listed without description.
‘Hardy Watermelon Red’
= ‘Watermelon Red, ‘Watermelon Red Improved’, ‘Watermelon Rubra’, ‘Watermelon Pink’, ‘Watermelon’, ‘Bright Red’, ‘Deep Pink’, ‘Griffing’s Watermelon Pink’, ‘Griffing’s Watermelon Red’, ‘Improved Deep Watermelon Red’, ‘Red Star’.
‘Hardy White’ (Windmill Nurs., Folsom, LA. FL. 1986), listed without description. (Andersen Horticultural Library’s Source List of Plants & Seeds, 4th ed., University of Minnesota, pp.173-174. 1996), listed without description as available from Live Oak Gardens, New Iberia, LA.
‘Hastings Pink’ (Hastings, Atlanta , GA. 42: ca 1987): Clear pink.
‘Hastings Red’ (Hastings, Atlanta , GA. 42: ca 1987): Brilliant red.
‘Hastings White’ (Hastings, Atlanta, GA. 42: ca 1987): Pure white.
HEAVENLY BLUE™ [Plants received at U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC, Dec. 21, 1990 from Bear Creek Gardens, Somis, CA.] (Byers Wholesale Nursery, Inc., Meridianville, AL. Undated promotional brochure with color picture and description, procured Jan. 4, 1995): A medium-blue colored crapemyrtle that is quite vigorous. It will grow to 5 feet, but can be trimmed to be kept low. Branches freely. Drought resistant. (PPAF) Jackson & Perkins™ Dwarf Crapemyrtle.
‘Heliotrope Beauty’ (Hazlewood Bros., Epping, N.S.W., Australia. Cat. p. 116. 1935): Flowers resemble ‘Eavesii’, but several shades darker. Originated as a seedling of ‘Eavesii’. Introduced by Walter S. Hazlewood. Somewhat more difficult to propagate than most cultivars. L. ×matthewsii cultivar.
‘Hendersoni’ (Coolidge Gardens, East Pasadena, CA. 9: 1956-57 Wholesale Cat.): Pink.
‘Hope’ (A. E. Einert and V. M. Watts, Ark. Farm Research XXII (3):3. 1973): Semi-dwarf, open-branched shrub, average height of 92 cm following dormant pruning; leaves elliptical to slightly obovate, above Green 137A2, beneath Yellow Green 146B2, 3.1-3.5 cm long, 1.8-2.2 cm wide, new terminal shoots reddish green; panicles 13 cm long, 11 cm wide, flowers mid-June, average 30 flowers per inflorescence, 3 cm diameter, white (White 155D2) to very faint pink, claw pink (Red Purple 60C2); high powdery mildew resistance; hardy zone 7, may be killed to ground zone 6. Originated in 1963 by Victor M. Watts, Fayetteville, Arkansas; introduced in 1973 by A. E. Einert, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Name registered May 17, 1973.
‘Hopi’ (D. R. Egolf, HortSci. 21(5): 1250-1252. 1986): Deciduous, spreading, semi-dwarf, multiple-stemmed shrub 2.3 m high and 3 m wide in 12 years; leaves elliptic to obovate, 4.5-5.5 cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, young leaves slightly pink overcast (Greyed Red 182B2), later dark green (Yellow Green 147A above and Yellow Green 147B beneath), turning bright orange red (Red 43A) to dark red (Red 46A) in autumn; panicles 10-14 cm long, 7-18 cm wide; flowers medium pink (Red Purple 66C), prolonged flowering; mildew resistance; originated in 1972 from a cross of (L. indica ‘Pink Lace’ × L. fauriei) × L. indica ‘Alba Nana’; selected in 1975; introduced in 1986 by U.S. National Arboretum; NA 52711, PI 499816. Name registered May 1, 1992.
‘Houston’ (David Byers, Crapemyrtle, A Grower’s Thoughts. p. 59. 1997): A seedling from the popular ‘World’s Fair’ variety. It has a full symmetrical habit and grows to about 24 inches. Watermelon-red flowers. Originated by David Chopin, later of Washington, PA.
‘Houston Red’ (Morningside Farm/Nurs., Morrilton, AR. Fall-Winter 1986): Tall growing, red. (James C. Kell, Comp., Houston, TX. Crape Myrtles in Cultivation. 1990: Rev. 6/94. unpubl.): Flowers red (dark magenta) fading to gray-purple; summer; multi-trunked.
‘Hybrid White’ (Morningside Farm/Nurs., Morrilton, AR. Wholesale Crapemyrtle Liner Price List, 1992-93): White, exceptionally cold hardy, vigorous & tall growing. Red fall foliage, tan & beige bark. A selection by plantsman Tom Dodd. [NOTE: Lagerstroemia hybrid selection 5570 EL, originating at the U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC, was distributed for cooperative evaluation under a Memorandum of Understanding for the Evaluation of Potential New Cultivars. This trial selection was distributed for evaluation along with the future cultivars ‘Natchez’ (a sibling of 5570 EL) and ‘Muskogee’ as part of the Shrub Breeding Research Program at the U.S. National Arboretum. In 1976 a letter was sent to the cooperative evaluators ordering them to destroy all selections except for ‘Natchez’ and ‘Muskogee’. One cooperator did not destroy 5570 EL, believing it to be a superior selection. It then entered the trade under various names, including ‘Sarah’s Favorite’, the name by which it is now generally known. Despite the manner in which it was introduced and its similarity to ‘Natchez’, this selection has made at least one potentially important contribution to further breeding work as the pollen parent of ‘Chocolate Mocha’ DELTA JAZZ®.]
= ‘5570’, ‘Dodd’s White’, ‘Sarah’s Favorite’, ‘Sarah’s Hardy White’.