Lagerstroemia Checklist: A
Cultivar Names of Lagerstroemia (crapemyrtle):
‘5570’ (Memphis Botanic Garden, The Garden Appeal Magazine, 28(2):4. Summer 1991): “In 1989 the Crapemyrtle ‘5570’, which is a hybrid white, proved to withstand the severe freeze. The late Dr. Donald Egolf, a former research horticulturist for the U.S. National Arboretum, had been interbreeding Crapemyrtle varieties and had come up with the ‘5570’ variety.” [NOTE: Lagerstroemia hybrid selection 5570 EL, originating at the U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC, was distributed for cooperative evaluation under a Memorandum of Understanding for the Evaluation of Potential New Cultivars. This trial selection was distributed for evaluation along with the future cultivars ‘Natchez’ (a sibling of 5570 EL) and ‘Muskogee’ as part of the Shrub Breeding Research Program at the U.S. National Arboretum. In 1976 a letter was sent to the cooperative evaluators ordering them to destroy all selections except for ‘Natchez’ and ‘Muskogee’. One cooperator did not destroy 5570 EL, believing it to be a superior selection. It then entered the trade under various names, including ‘Sarah’s Favorite’, the name by which it is now generally known. Despite the manner in which it was introduced and its similarity to ‘Natchez’, this selection has made at least one potentially important contribution to further breeding work as the pollen parent of ‘Chocolate Mocha’ DELTA JAZZ®.] Lagerstroemia ×egolfii selection.
= ‘Dodd’s White’, ‘Hybrid White’, ‘Sarah’s Favorite’, ‘Sarah’s Hardy White’, “5570 EL”.
‘Acoma’ (D. R. Egolf, HortSci. 21(5): 1250-1252. 1986): Deciduous, semipendulous, semidwarf, multiple stemmed shrub, 3 m high and 3.4 m wide at 15 years; trunk bark grey brown (Greyed Green 197B 2)prior to exfoliating to light grey (Greyed Brown 199D); young leaves dark bronze tinted, becoming dark green, semiglossy, elliptic to obovate, 4-7 cm long and 2.5-3.5 cm wide, dull red to dark purple red in autumn; panicles 15-19 cm long, 9-13 cm wide, pendulous, long-tapered; flowers pure white with pronounced golden anthers; recurrent bloom from late June to September; highly mildew tolerant under field conditions. Originated in 1969 from a cross of L. indica ‘Pink Lace’ × (L. indica × L. fauriei seedling); selected in 1972; introduced in 1986 by the U.S. National Arboretum; NA 48472; PI 499815. Name registered May 1, 1992. Lagerstroemia ×egolfii selection. Click here to view the USNA PDF fact sheet for Lagerstroemia ×egolfii ‘Acoma’.
‘Alabama White’ (James C. Kell, Comp., Houston, TX. Crapemyrtles in Cultivation. 1990: Rev. 6/94. unpubl.): Multi-trunked, upright growth habit; more or less pyramidal panicles; white flowers. Possibly the same as ‘Orbyn Atkins’ or ‘Byers Wonderful White’.
‘Alba’ (Prince Nurs., Flushing, NY. Cat. p. 108. 1825): Flowers white.
= ‘Alba Perfecta’, ‘Albiflora’, ‘White’, ‘Candida’(?).
‘Alba’ (Anderson, Hall & Co., Sydney, Australia. Cat. p. 66. 1872), without description: L. speciosa cultivar.
‘Alba Nana’ (Cornelius Nurs., Houston, TX. Cat. p. 4. 1957-58): Dwarf; flowers white. Probably the same as ‘Snowbaby’.
‘Alba Perfecta’ (Knull Floral Co., Tampa, FL. Cat. p. 18. 1921): Flowers pure white. (Ibid. Cat. p. 23. 1924): Large inflorescences, free flowering.
= ‘Alba’, ‘Albiflora’, ‘White’, ‘Candida’(?).
‘Albiflora’ (J. E. Teysmann et S. Binnendijk, Cat. von ‘slands Plant. te Buiten. p. 241. 1866) without description.
= ‘Alba’, ‘Alba Perfecta’, ‘White’, ‘Candida’(?).
ALIÉNOR® (Color French Nursery Label, Floraprint, France. undated): en instance de dépôt. Coloris rose vif, bel effet constant, et remontant. Végétation moyenne, port souple et retombant. Ce Lagerstroemia sera du plus bel effet présenté en pot, jardinière ou bac.
ALIÉNOR D’AQUITAINE® (Desmartis S.A., Bergerac , France. Cat. p. 30. 1990-91): [Depot 41/08 due 06/06/88 , C.O.V. (Certificat d’obtention Vegetale)]: Very supple weeping growth habit; very open, bright pink flowers; flowers from July to September; when well established hardy to -18°C. Selected by M. Jacques Desmartis in 1961; trademark registered INPI June 2, 1988; introduced in 1989 by Desmartis S.A. Name registered April 5, 1993. [NOTE: In accordance with the 1995 International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, names that are trademarked are not valid cultivar names. Therefore, the registration of the cultivar name ‘Aliénor D’Aquitaine’ is rescinded and the cultivar name ‘Desal 173’ is registered and approved as of January 1, 1996. International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995, Principle 6, p. 4. 1995].
‘Alipurensis’ (S. Percy-Lancaster, Proc. & Jour. Agr. Hort. Soc. India. p. 20. 1920): Flowers dark mauve, hybrid of L. indica × ‘Purpurea’.
‘America’ (Buds & Blooms Nurs., Brown Summit, NC. Flyer, Effective July 15, 1987): Brilliant red color; height semidwarf (3 to 6 feet). Ibid. Summer-Fall 1988: Brilliant red; semidwarf. (Carroll Gdns., Westminster, MD. 91:1987): Brilliant ruby-red flowers borne in profusion. Rich dark green leathery foliage turns shades of yellow, orange and red in autumn. A hardy, upright cultivar growing 5-8’ tall. (James C. Kell, Comp.., Houston, TX. Crapemyrtles in Cultivation. 1990:Rev. 6/94, unpubl.): Originated at Five-M Nursery.
‘American Red’ (Andersen Horticultural Library’s Source List of Plants & Seeds, University of Minnesota, 4th Ed., pp. 173-174. 1996), without description, listed as available from Louisiana Nursery, Opelousas, LA.
= ‘America’ ?.
‘Andora White’ (Carl E. Whitcomb, Know It And Grow It, p. 204. 1975): Showy white ruffled flowers in dense cluster.
‘Apalachee’ (D. R. Egolf, HortSci. 22(4):674-677. 1987): Deciduous, upright, multiple stemmed, large shrub or small tree, 3.8 m high and 2.6 m wide at 12 years; sinuous, mottled, exfoliating older branches and trunk reveal cinnamon to chestnut brown (Greyed Orange 164A2) bark coloration; leaves glossy, glabrous, at first slight bronzed, later subcoriaceous, dark green, elliptic to obovate, 6-9 cm long and 3-4.5 cm wide, dull orange to russet to dark red in autumn; panicles 14-24 cm long, 14-1-8 cm wide, tapered, branched, with 150-400 florets; flowers light lavender (Purple 76A), 2-3 cm in diameter with long-clawed, crinkled petals; blooms from mid-July to September; highly mildew tolerant under field conditions. Originated in 1972 from a cross of L. indica (Asuka Dwarf Hybrid) × L. fauriei; selected in 1976; introduced in 1987 by the U.S. National Arboretum; NA 54979; PI 499285. Name registered May 1, 1992. Lagerstroemia ×egolfii selection. Click here to view the USNA PDF fact sheet for Lagerstroemia ×egolfii ‘Apalachee’.
‘Apple Blossom’ (Silver Bay Nurs., Daphne, AL. Cat. p. 20. 1950): Flowers delicate apple blossom, long panicles. Rhodamine Pink 527/21.
= ‘Apple Blossom Pink’, ‘Hardy Apple Blossom Pink’.
‘Apple Blossom Pink’ (Bradley Bros., Carbondale, IL. Cat. p. 27. 1944), without description.
= ‘Apple Blossom’, ‘Hardy Apple Blossom Pink’.
‘Arapaho’ (American Nurseryman 198(12): 32. 2003): Deciduous multi-stemmed tree with upright, broad vase-shaped habit, 6.5 meters high and 3.5 meters wide in 16 years; exfoliating bark on branches and trunk reveals light tan (RHS 165C) bark coloration; mature leaves glossy dark green (RHS 147A), 6-7 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, elliptic to obovate, and acute at the apex; flower panicles 17 cm long and 10 cm wide, with loosely-spaced dark magenta to red flowers (RHS 60B); highly tolerant to powdery mildew. Originated in 1989 from pedigree (L. ‘Tuscarora’ × (L. indica (red) × L. indica ‘Carolina Beauty’)) × (L. limii × L. indica Asuka Dwarf seedling). Selected in 1996; named and introduced in 2003 by the U.S. National Arboretum. NA68972; PI633034. Name registered August 30, 2005. Click here to view the USNA PDF fact sheet for Lagerstroemia ‘Arapaho’.
‘Arlington’ (American Nurseryman 174(12): 90. December 15, 1991, in advertisement by Dello Nurs., Inc.): pink. (Kenneth O’Dell, Dello Nurseries, Inc., Somerville, TN. Pers. comm. 2/8/1993): Origin of original plant unknown; original plant located behind the City Hall, Arlington, TN. Kenneth O’Dell discovered/selected, named and introduced in 1985. Upright, medium fast grower. Foliage seems quite resistant to mildew in hot humid summers. Hot bubble gum pink flowers, a very heavy bloomer. Holds up well in cold weather. Hardiness is USDA zone 7. Softwood cuttings root easily. No soil preference.
Asuka Dwarf Hybrids (Plants and seed received at U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC, Apr. 11, 1972, from Y. Tachibana, Osaka City University Botanic Garden, Osaka, Japan): Hybrids developed by Mr Inamoto of Asuka Garden who has been selecting dwarf types for a number of years. These he crossed with ‘Dwarf Lavender’. From these have originated the forms being grown for bedding and pot plants under the moniker “Crape Myrtlettes”. [Note: This is not a cultivar name.]
‘Atrorubra’ (Prince Nurs., Flushing, NY. Cat. p. 107. 1825): Flowers crimson.